We send condolences to Mickey Rourke who this weekend lost his longtime companion, Loki his 17-year-old Chihuahua whom he thanked in his Golden Globe speech for always being there for him.
Also, I spotted an excellent Peta ad on a billboard in West Hollywood yesterday starring Rourke and one of his other dogs, Jaws. I don't know how it is in your neighborhood but LA is filled with people (dudes especially, sorry but it's true) who refuse to neuter their dogs. I think this ABC (Animal Birth Control) campaign is brilliant...
Also, I spotted an excellent Peta ad on a billboard in West Hollywood yesterday starring Rourke and one of his other dogs, Jaws. I don't know how it is in your neighborhood but LA is filled with people (dudes especially, sorry but it's true) who refuse to neuter their dogs. I think this ABC (Animal Birth Control) campaign is brilliant...
And finally, if you need a good laugh about our economy watch this parody of The Wrestler by the guys at Funny or Die. It's caled The Uncler, as in Uncle Sam, a down on his luck former star desperate to make a comeback. Enjoy!
Good luck at the Oscars, Mickey. If you win, maybe it will be a good omen for Uncle Sam too!
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