The Los Angeles-based National Museum of Animals & Society, founded by Carolyn Marino Mullin as the first museum dedicated to enriching the lives of animals and people through exploration of shared experiences, is moving to a new, larger space. To that end, they've launched an Indiegogo campaign to raise $50,000, and amount that will be matched by The Ellen Lavinthal Family Trust.
Currently they're at $29,306 with 23 days to reach their goal by February 18, 2015.
There are many terrific perks, and I'm honored that dox-ZEN V from my Twelve dox-ZENs series is available as a print at the $50 level.
Please consider making a contribution at any level, even $1, to support this institution and help it continue to thrive.
Visit the Indiegogo campaign to learn more and make a donation.
Get inspired by this video (view at Indiegogo if you can't see it in your email)...
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