In honor of the 136th Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show that starts on Monday, Randy Kennedy of The New York Times takes readers on a dog-art tour of New York City. He has some nice picks spanning sevearal centuries, continents, and mediums, but my favorite aspect of his article is that he's settled for me my own style guide quandary, something I've debated since I began this blog almost five years ago; dog-art has a hyphen. Read Kennedy's article Sit. Stay. Good Art.
2.12.12 Update: Oops. Dog art is not automatically hyphenayted. Thank you dog artist Leslie Moore for this clarification:
A quick grammatical note from a recovering English teacher: dog art should be hyphenated when the two words are both adjectives modifying a noun, i.e. when Randy Kennedy describes New York City as a "dog-art town." When the single adjective "dog" modifies the noun "art," no hyphen is necessary.
Hat tip to my mom, and dog artists Barbara Grossman, and Natalie Timm for sending me links to this article.